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Jula lexicographic data on Zenodo

Jula lexical data from Jan 2019

I spent most of January in western Burkina Faso doing research related to linguistic registers and Quranic education and scholarship in Jula-speaking areas.

Whenever, I’m doing fieldwork in the region, I’m always jotting down words that I encounter that strike me as unusual, at least for me that is. Oftentimes, they are quite common expressions, but ones that I hadn’t encountered in a while. Other times, they are words that I don’t recognize, but hope to look up later in various dictionaries. In some cases, they turn out to be words that are absent form such works and in other cases, they are words that I want to integrate into my own lexicographic works or general vocabulary.

In any case, I’ve tried to get more rigorous about how I keep track of all these jottings and so I’ve started typing them up regularly during fieldwork. That might help me remember, but more importantly perhaps, it allows me to produce a clean dataset record for both myself and future researchers (in the off-chance that I stumble across something worthwhile). So without further ado, I present to you a Zenodo record that anyone can consult and download in a range of formats for their own studies and lexicographic research related to Manding.

Would be great if such practices were standard for Peace Corps volunteers and other researchers that are constantly learning and working with languages that often times don’t have robust lexicographic work behind them.

Bonne lecture and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions about how I used Toolbox, FLEx or Lexique Pro to produce this record!

Donaldson, Coleman. (2019). Jula lexicographic data collected during January 2019 [Data set]. Zenodo.

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Coleman Donaldson (February 15, 2019). Jula lexicographic data on Zenodo. A-label: African Languages Between the Lines. Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Author: Coleman Donaldson

Postdoc at the University of Hamburg interested in speech and literacy practices in Francophone and Manding-speaking West Africa.

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